How Hollywood does layoffs (via Slate)

Here are a sampling of some of the most memorable layoff scenes in movies.

Earl sets May 2009 layoffs (via Pulp)

Sun Sentinel announces May 2009 layoffs
Click here

What if you had to lay off your parents?

What if we treated our parents like we treat employees during layoffs?

Mom, Dad, I've got some bad news. We've run the numbers, and we've decided to restructure. Your positions with the family are being eliminated. We're going to have to let you go. Hopefully you saw this coming and built up an emergency fund. No, sorry, our legal advisers wouldn't allow us give you any advance notice. Medicare? The rules say you get to keep it for 18 months, but your cost will probably triple.

Security will escort you out to the curb where someone will bring any belongings you mistakenly left in your bedroom. If you don't leave immediately, you are subject to arrest for trespassing. BTW, do not speak to anyone on the way out.

If you want to keep the remaining balance in the family checking account, you'll have to sign this agreement right here and now. It says you won't speak ill of the family and won't move in with any other families in the neighborhood as long as a balance remains in your account.

No, sorry, you also are prohibited from contacting any of your former family members - even just to say goodbye. It's hard on us, too. We need to move forward. Look, we're doing this for the good of the organization. It's nothing personal. Don't make it any harder than this has to be.

Have your say

All the posts up to now have been links to Bob Norman's Daily Pulp blog. They should serve as a quick-link reference to the posts he made about Sun Sentinel layoffs/buyouts. We have another round coming in mid May, and a full 20% of the newsroom by the end of 2009.

If you were among those let go and didn't get to say goodbye, please feel free to do so here. As I wrote in the column at right, use this however you see fit.

I probably will be posting mostly news links. But I may comment occasionally.

-- Las Olas Grunt

Cuba bureau closes (via The Pulp)

Lone Havana-based U.S. Newspaper Reporter Is Coming Home